Monday, August 31, 2015

New year, New me!!

Hey guys~~~ I know it has been soooooo long since I've blogged but hey, I'm back now aren't I? hahaha anyway, so today I will be telling you about what happened to me or what I'm trying to improve of myself. So few years ago when I didn't care of anything like my body figure, my education, and my future. Well I did kinda care of my future but not that much hehehehe :D anyway as I grew older and older I didn't like myself :( why? because I grew chubbier I was falling behind while my friends would get smarter everyday  (didn't go to school for 2 years cause had some problems but it's okay now ;). ) and if the first two things turned out bad, automatically my future would probably be bad :P so when I went back to school I had to study harder to catch up with my friends ( I still got held back 1 year tho :P .) and then I felt quite happy I didn't fully achieve my goal but I'm most probably half way there :) the education part of me became okay.
But the chubby part of me wasn't :P I know I should love myself the way I am and be okay with it but, I grew up as a very thin person so a lot of people would say "WOW! YOU GREW BIG" or " WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" or something like that and I wasn't really happy about it. And I was attending school and my school and a boy girl school and I'm a girl and obviously I would have a crush in school. The way I felt for the guy I had a crush on made me feel embarrassed or not happy the way I looked and so I tried to lose weight and it worked plus I had (well,still have) braces so I think that helped my with my weight loss :D XP but it didn't really make me lose weight completely and then the school year ended and this school year didn't see him in school anymore (he changed schools I guess) but during my summer break I wanted to be a different person!
I wanted to be productive and happy and confident! like how I was when I was a kid ( wasn't confident tho XD XP) so I decided to exercise more and make a life schedule (mostly eating schedule cause I ate every single minute)and yeah I changed a lot still in the process but so far everything is okay :))
I'm sorry if this post was too long for you :( and if it didn't amuse you or made any sense and to the "Big" people out there I'm sorry if this post made you feel down or something :( I'm sure you are all very handsome and beautiful in your own way :) well I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you have a nice day~ BYEEEE~~~~

Monday, March 31, 2014


Hey everyone~ Long time no write hahaha today I'll be writing about cooking, now there are people who are born with very good cooking skills and people who aren't born with very good cooking skills. And there are people who loves to cook and people who don't.
well I don't think I'm the type who is a  very good cook but I love to cook and I feel kinda happy when I finish cooking a food and other people eat it and say "Wow~! this is fantastic~!" some times I feel like I'm a Chef whenever I cook and I always Imagine about baking or making sweets for a guy. and whenever I wish to do that in the future I always borrow my sister's cookbook and look at recipes that is suitable for a birthday or valentines day and feel excited.But I don't bake it....why? cause our kitchen is small at the moment and I don't have a oven but I feel fine by it cause one of my sister's cook book shows how to make a cake without a oven but with a rice cooker. So do one of my readers have a crush and cant or wont bake sweets for some reason? well I also have another reason why I won't make any sweets for my crush I have no Idea where he lives....or how I can give it to yeah well I guess that's it for today and I realized something while I read my last posts my endings are weird in someways...but oh well and before I end this post I want to tell you I'm watching Julie&Julia but That is not entirely the reason I wrote this post well actually come to think of it I think maybe it is... OK then BYE~!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our puppy.....

Ummm hi everyone today I'll be telling you something about my puppy that died months ago.But if there is someone who is very sensitive and emotional I think you have to grab some tissues or something that you wipe your tears with.Okay so now I'll start  the story today is actually her birthday yes she is 5 years old now and when I saw the calendar at midnight it was October 29th and I opened a picture of her in my laptop while listening to my favorite song that sorta describe my situation with her and I started thinking about writing her a "letter" and I titled it "Dear Bok"(her name is Bokshil it means lucky girl Bok means luck shil means girl and sometimes we call her bok for short)
and what I wrote there was saying sorry that I wasn't able keep my promise with her while she was alive and I was saying sorry for not being able to keep her alive and much more but I also wrote to her to please wait for me to be old and die to meet her and I know a lot of people saying animals don't have souls like people but I want to believe  that bok does have a soul and I want her to be waiting for me and my family ummm I can't really think about what to say now but before I end this post I want to say to people who are reading this if you have a pet and you realize you didn't play with him/her much then please play with them and show them your love awhile before you regret that you didn't play with him or her that much if they go to God well that's it for now bye y'all

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My readers

Hello~ today I'll be writing a post about my readers.
Ok so today while I was checking my blog
and I read some comments and as I was reading I felt so thankful to my readers
for those nice words for supporting me and I really really wanted to thank them
so ....
and please continue reading my posts and comment often to let me know that you are still reading my blog, thanks again, bye now~!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hi everyone~!
sorry that I wasn't available for a few months
I had so many things on my mind that I forgot to write new posts,stories
in my blog... 
anyway,I will tell you what happened today
well just so you know I don't really want to tell you specific things 
about me but I think I should tell you my age 
I am a teen and I live with my father and sister
my mother and my eldest sister are in Korea
well I think I shouldn't go deep and tell you more.
anyway, today I stayed with my father cause my
sister went to camp for 2 nights and 3 days
and so I had to be with my father.
So today my dad had to take pictures for the people in my church
who plays Korean instruments in the theater (yes I am not christian)
so after my dad the little dude (who is 1 year younger than me and played with me since I was 7 ) and I finished watching the theater we ate dinner with the 
korean church people and when we were about to head home 
my dads friend called my dad and asked my dad
if he could stop by and drink a bit so my dad declined
cause he thought I was tired (it's 12:33 am now)
so  I said I wasn't really tired
so he said ok then let us go to my friends house
and I am in his friend's house daughters room with the little dude writing this post
regretting that I said I wasn't really tired
yeah sure I could say "dad can we go home?"
but our ride home is my dads other friends car 
and since my dad can't drive 
I can't go home until he says "Let's go home sweetie"
but if he says that outside I'll be quiet 
but inside I'll be like "WOOOOOHHOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!
I AM GOIN' HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
ok then that's it for now bye~!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Hello lets talk about courage today :) (ok,ready,set,go~!)
these days I have nothing to post about, but I was thinking and thinking and I finally said to myself " I'll write a post about Courage" so I guess this post is to people who is afraid to have a little courage.So people who are reading this post please read until the end. anyways so like I said there are people who are afraid to have a little courage so I want to ask why? why are these people afraid? why not just stand on that stage and sing on a talent show. or ask your crush to go on a date with you or something. Okay maybe the crush thing you need a lot of courage hehe but that's good too as long as you have the courage to say it  so I guess what I'm trying to tell you is...........

Don't  be afraid of what may happen just because people said so or just because of bullies in school or somewhere raise your head back up and walk through the badness around you and have courage to walk straight and smile.....(but just in case the badness follows you go to the nearest police man/woman just saying...hehe)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm Back~! :)

Hello everyone it has been a long time I didn't post here.....well the reason is cause I moved and the Internet here is not really great....yes,I know what some of you are thinking "I thought this person moved a long time ago" but for some of you who read my last post "Moving" it  was true but my father changed plans and I didn't know what to say to my readers.So I hope you will keep on reading my blog posts and please wait for  upcoming posts :) thank you:)