Friday, December 21, 2012

don't give up

I just noticed something most people do Face book , YouTube and other stuff
so I was wondering if anyone at least 1 person was reading this. 
I had the idea of starting a blog because I watched a movie few months ago titled Julie and Julia. I thought it would be fun and I also thought that I would at least have something to do .... but I don't think it's good enough. I shall keep on trying. So those people who think you should give up on something you kept on trying don't give up just keep trying. :D Three more days til Christmas. Hope you are excited cause I know I am :D


  1. Well, you just said the really touching words ever. Thank you for inspiring hopefully not only me, but more people with your good words. I hope that one day this blog will succeed!
    Good luck and my best wishes until the day comes.

  2. dude, maybe your blog wont be popular now but sooner or later, it will be a great help to this world!
    havent people seen the cruelties of the world to animals nowadays!
    this blog isnt a waste of time
    although you may not have a lot of followers now, keep on posting to inspire me and those who love your blog

    1. ummm... Thank you....??
      haha ok I will keep on posting thank you for commenting Merry Christmas
