Thursday, December 27, 2012

Your Pets

I got to know something these days people buy more electrical things like cellphones,cameras,tablets,and more. well do you have pets? like dogs, cats, and other more? do you play with them often? here's one thing play and care for your pets. Why do you think your parents bought them for you? why do you think you bought it? cause you wanted a friend? you wanted one? well try loving them more than you love or play often with your  cellphones,cameras,tablets,etc.


  1. totally agree!
    pets should be considered more than just pets!more like a family....
    Ms.김유진(i dont know your name so i just copy pasted from your profile), do you also have a pet?

    1. Yes I do have a pet but it's not completely my pet, its my sisters pet I'm 15% responsible for it. She is a girl and she is a shih tzu she is 4 years old but I still treat her like a baby hehe... sometimes I wonder what she thinks.

    2. oh and you may call me ms. kim
